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////Mr. Trumbull Trail - 2.5 miles

The Mt. Trumbull trail quickly ascends the south slope of this basalt - capped mesa. From the southern rim of the basalt cap, the trail ends and final mile to the summit on the north edge of the mesa is trail less. Once atop the mesa the route to the summit passes through a beautiful forest of ponderosa pine. At the northern edge of the mesa, broad sweeping views of the heart of the Arizona Strip, as well as much of southern Utah, await the persistent hiker.

Mr Trumbull is accessed by leaving St. George, Utah via Quail Hill road from Arizona 389, near Pipe springs, via the Mt. Trumbull Road to reach Mt. Trumbull. Distance is 60 - 70 miles from St. George or 50 miles from Colorado City on Arizona State Highway 389.

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