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Waterflow reports for the Colorado river from Glenn Canyon dam to Parker dam

Lower Colorado River Operations Schedule

Releases from Davis and Parker dams will vary from about 4,400 cubic feet per second
(cfs) to 19,100 cfs during a 24-hour period. River levels will vary during the 24-hour
periods with the higher levels coinciding with periods of peak hydroelectric power
generation.  Levels below the dams are usually highest during the afternoon and early
evening.  Average daily releases may vary in response to changing conditions.

Average daily releases and midnight lake elevations for the week, as well as
anticipated averages for the following 2 weeks, are scheduled as follows:

            Parker             Davis              Hoover              Glen Cyn
            Dam       Lake     Dam       Lake     Dam       Lake      Dam
            Average   Havasu   Average   Mohave   Average   Mead      Average
            Release   Elev.    Release   Elev.    Release   Elev.     Release
Date        (cfs)     (ft)     (cfs)     (ft)     (cfs)     (ft)      (cfs)
----        -----     ----     -----     ----     -----     ----      -----
Oct  8       9500    447.2     11200    636.7      9700    1110.9      9800
Oct  9       9000    447.0     11200    636.6      9700    1110.9      9800
Oct 10       9000    446.9     11200    636.5      9700    1110.9      9800
Oct 11       8000    446.9     11200    636.4      9700    1110.9      9800
Oct 12       9000    446.8     11200    636.3      9700    1110.9      9800
Oct 13       9000    446.7     11200    636.0      7900    1110.9      9800
Oct 14       9500    446.5     11200    635.8      7900    1111.0      9800

Average      9000              11200               9200                9800

Oct 15 to
Oct 21       7700    446.7     11000    634.7      9000    1111.0      9800

Oct 22 to
Oct 28       6700    446.8     10000    634.2      9000    1111.1      9800

Current Lake Powell storage is 11,918 thousand acre-feet (KAF) (49 percent of
capacity). Lake Mead storage is 12,481 KAF (48 percent of capacity).  Total
system storage is  32,084 KAF (54 percent of capacity). Lake Powell elevation
is 3,601.75 feet.

Yesterday, the average Colorado River flows were 819 cfs near the Yuma Fourth
Avenue Bridge and 1,102 cfs at the Northerly International Boundary.  The
average release from Painted Rock Dam was 0 cfs and Alamo Dam was 42 cfs.  The
Morelos Dam diversions for the week of 08-Oct-2007 are expected to be 1,180 cfs. 

ALL RIVER USERS should remember that fluctuating river flows may conceal or
create natural hazards such as moving sandbars, gravel bars, unstable 
riverbanks, floating or submerged debris, or other unfamiliar obstacles.
Caution should be exercised while using the river between Davis Dam and the
Mexican Border at San Luis, Arizona.

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