January 2009
1st-2/28: Desert Gardens Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Show
2nd-11th: Tyson Wells Rock/Gem/Mineral Show
3rd: Hi-Jolly Days Parade
10-25: The Main Event-Quartzsite
12th-19th: Chamber Open @Fairgrounds Only
16th: Loins Club Steak Dinner @Steaks & Cakes
16th-18th: Blythe 22nd Annual Bluegrass Festival
16th-25th: Tyson Wells Sell-a-Rama
17th-27th: Sports, Vacation &Rv show-Qtzste
21st-25th: 42nd Annual QIA Pow Wow
28th-2/1: Big Tent Rock &Roll Show Quartzsite
28th-2/1: Tyson Wells Arts&Crafts Fair
28th-2/1: Big Tent Hobby, Gem &Craft Show
February 2009
TBA: Winter League Baseball
7th: Quartzsite Quilters Show
7th: ATV Parade & World Record Attempt
7th: Ft. Gaston BBQ & Dance
14th: I-10 Speedway Racing Safety Nite
12th: Lincoln's Birthday
14th: Valentine's Day
27th: Quartzsite Bluegrass Festival
28th: I-10 Speedway Racing
28th: Quartzsite Chili Cook-Off @Tyson Wells
March 2009
1st: I-10 Speedway Racing
6th: Community Outlook Conference
9th: Set Clocks Ahead One Hour
13th-14th: Desert Storm Rally-Fairgrounds
TBA: Miss Blythe Outstanding Teen Pageant
7th: I-10 Speedway Racing
TBA: COC Urban Cowboy Dinner/Dance
17th: St. Patricks Day
21st: Lions Club Pancake Breakfest
21st: I-10 Speedway Racing INex
26th-29th: Colorado River Fair
April 2009
10th: Annual Block Party Mixer on Hobsonway
4th: I-10 Speedway Racing
18th: CWA Farmer's Ball @Fairgrounds
18th: City of Blythe Clean-Up Day
18th: I-10 Speedway Racing LAST RACE!
22nd: Blythe Community recognition Day & Installation of Officers
TBA: College Foundation BBQ
TBA: Relay for life @St. Joan of Arc
May 2009
TBA: Cinco De Mayo Festival
9th: Peach Festival @ Peach Blossom Ranch
10th: Mother's Day
13th: Run of the Wall (Vietnam Memorial)
TBA: PVHS Scholarship Awards Ceremony
23th-25th: Memorial Day Weekend
June 2009
14th: Flag Day
17th: Father's Day
21st: Summer Begins
July 2009
4th: Independence Day Fireworks @ Fairgrounds
24th: Chamber Fund-Raiser Drawing
August 2009
No Events Scheduled... STAY COOL!
September 2009
4th-7th: Labor Day Weekend
1st: Dove Season Begins
12th: Rotary Cruise Dinner @ Elks Lodge- 6pm
12th: Ducks Unlimited Annual Fundraiser & Dinner
TBA: Teachers & Staff Welcome Back
19th: PAL 11th Annual Dinner/Dance
TBA: I-10 Speedway Opening Night
October 2009
3rd: Miss Blythe Scholarship Pageant
9th-11th: St. Joan of Arc Carnival & Bazaar
12th: Columbus Day
TBA: I-10 Speedway Racing Family Nite
15th: Quail Season Opener
TBA: I-10 Speedway Racing Superclean
November 2009
1st: Palo Verde Historical Museum Opening
1st: Fall Sprint Street Festival
1st: Nostalgics "SHOWN SHINE" Car Show @ Fairgrounds
1st: Dinner & Jazz VFW Hall 5-10pm
2nd: Set Clocks Back One Hour
8th: I-10 Speedway TV Race
8th: 20th Annual VET Day Celeb- Chiriaco Summit
8th: Dove Season Reopens
14th: CVSP 20th Anniversary
TBA: Lions Club Steak Dinner
27th: Thanksgiving Day
29th: I-10 Speedway Thanksgiving 500
TBA: Star Stare Party (View the stars)